Visit the “Become a Member“ page and select the Manufacturer member category and click on the application option to join online today. Be sure to include the requested verification documents to avoid a delay in processing.
The ATA membership year runs from April 1 to March 31 of the following year. Apply early to take advantage of member benefits year-round. Membership is required to exhibit at the ATA Show. Please note that membership dues are not prorated.
Your support as a member contributes significantly to the growth of our industry. ATA manufacturer member benefits include:
– ATA Show access to exhibit at the largest trade show in the industry.
– Opportunity to showcase your new and innovative products and take advantage of in-person networking with dealers to build relationships.
– Free online materials and resources that are designed to help support your business.
– Educational content and courses at a discount for members through ATA’s Learning Center.
– Advocacy on your behalf to support and grow the sports of archery and bowhunting.
Once you’ve completed your membership application and submited any required verification documents listed on the application, please allow three to five business days for processing.
Questions? Please contact Kim Watson, membership director, at or (507) 233-8133