Your ATA is committed to monitoring decisions being made by legislation and strives to keep members informed about key issues pertaining to the federal excise tax, conservation, hunting, public land access, and any other topics relating to archery and bowhunting.
The need for an action alert system was identified as part of the ATA Board of Director’s Strategic Planning Process and has since been implemented to assist members in taking action on legislative or regulatory issues affecting our industry.
The power of the culmination of the voices of all of our members is much stronger than the voice of the ATA staff alone. Thus, an easy-to-use online platform has been implemented to amplify the voices of our members in an effort to effect legislative outcomes.
ATA members who are opted in to receive emails, receive information about industry-relevant pending legislation. With a simple few clicks, members can forward a message to their local senators and/or representatives letting them know your stance on the outcome. Grassroots advocacy is the result.