Free Tattoos at Easton Archery
Easton Archery, booth 3743, paid two tattoo artists to ink anyone interested in getting an archery-themed tattoo between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Thursday and Friday. Attends had to pick between 17 pre-selected black and white designs. Each tattoo took about 30 minutes or less to complete, allowing about 40 people to get a tattoo each day.
Bailey Cloud, from Hideaway Archery in Carthage Missouri, loves bowhunting and got an arrow tattoo on his left forearm to show his support and passion for the sport.
Dry Ice Challenge at ArcticShield
ArcticShield, booth 2457, hosted the Dry Ice Challenge between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Friday. The challenge gave attendees the chance to test the ArcticShield boot insulator. Participants sat in a chair, put their feet in plastic containers and wore a boot insulator over one shoe. Then, an ArcticShield employee poured dry ice, which is 109 degrees below zero, on both feet.
Challenge participants reported feeling the cold through their shoes in about 10 seconds, but never felt the cold while wearing the boot insulator – even after 30 minutes. The demonstration helped show folks how their new technology worked. ArcticShield incorporates the technology into several clothing pieces including gloves, pants, jackets and the boot insulators.
Country Music Concert by Shoot Like a Girl
Shoot Like a Girl travels the nation introducing ladies to the shooting sports. They celebrated their 10th anniversary on Friday, Jan. 11 at booth 1801. They provided cake, refreshments and entertainment by country music star Tanya Davis, who played about 20 songs between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. The first lady of hunting Brenda Valentine also signed autographs at the event.