Your voice made a difference.
A few weeks ago we sent ATA members in Vermont an Action Alert encouraging them to stand up and make their voices heard in opposition of SB 258 and we applaud them for a job well done. “It is very satisfying to see misaligned efforts like SB 258 be soundly defeated," Dan Forster, the ATA's vice president and chief conservation officer said. "It would have had long-term negative impacts to wildlife conservation, the hunting community, and the archery industry if adopted into law."
One of many benefits of being an ATA member is that we keep you informed of political, environmental and economic decisions that could directly or indirectly impact archery and bowhunting. The ATA is committed to delivering tools, such as the Action Alert System, to assist you in taking action with a few simple clicks.
If enacted, SB 258 would have changed the requirements, structure and authority of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board, allowing for individuals who are philosophically opposed to hunting, angling and/or trapping to get a seat on the Board. The Board is the critically important body that decides on regulatory frameworks and other issues governing the access and harvest of wildlife in Vermont.
There was absolutely nothing positive in this bill for Vermont’s dedicated hunter-conservationists. This was an ill-advised attempt to dilute the voice of sportsmen and sportswomen regarding future wildlife management and regulatory issues involving hunting, fishing and trapping in Vermont.
Deer hunting has a long-standing tradition, is a highly valued resource, and is a strong economic driver for Vermont and the outdoor recreation industry. We are keenly interested in maintaining strong hunting, fishing and trapping constituencies in Vermont, and we appreciate that all sportsmen and sportswomen came together through our advocacy efforts and defeated this no-good bill.
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