Outreach and Education
Archery Range Grant Program – The ATA is finalizing application requirements and details for its new grant program for archery ranges and programs. Once the program’s application instructions are published, ATA members can apply for grants to create archery programs, or build or maintain ranges. Grant applications and required documents are due Dec. 1. ATA staff and the ATA’s Archery Range Grant Committee will notify grant recipients on April 15, 2020. Recipients will receive financial assistance in late-spring 2020. Board members are eager to see how ATA members plan to improve archery opportunities in their communities.
Sanctioning Archery – The Board endorsed efforts to sanction archery as a college sport. Research finds that sanctioning archery as a high-school sport proves challenging without next-step opportunities in college. The “college first, high school second” approach to sanctioning bass fishing worked for the sport’s governing body, the Association of Collegiate Anglers.
The ATA partnered with USA Archery on a staffing grant to hire a Director of Marketing and Member Experience. Jennifer Mazur, ATA’s senior director of outreach and education, will work with USA Archery on strategic marketing initiatives to advance the growth of youth and collegiate archery in the U.S.
Trade Show and Membership
Membership Dues – The Board discussed ways to restructure membership dues. Maria Lewis, ATA’s senior director of Trade Show and membership, worked with the Member Benefits Advisory Team to restructure dues for 2020. The Board agreed to separate dues from booth size for distributors and manufacturers.
For past ATA shows, regular manufacturer and distributor dues were based on the square feet of a company’s booth size. Companies then paid additional costs for booth space to exhibit. The updated dues will separate those concepts to reduce confusion about costs.
Future Trade Shows – The Trade Show Advisory Team toured St. Louis as a potential host for the Trade Show. The Show’s location is scheduled through 2023, but the advisory team is studying options for 2024 and beyond. ATA staff and Board members believe different venues can attract new attendees and inspire exhibitors to expand booth offerings. The team is also researching general trade-show trends in other industries to ensure the ATA Show delivers on quality and relevancy.
The Board also approved a new schedule for the 2020 Trade Show. Only ATA-member retailers and exhibitors will be allowed on the Show floor on Day 1. This move ensures buyers and manufacturers can focus on order writing, business planning, and new-product evaluations the first day of the three-day Show. The Show floor opens to all other attendees the next two days.
Click here to read the ATA’s 2019 Year in Review, which highlights ATA staff accomplishments the past 12 months.
For more information about your ATA, please call its business and membership office, (866) 266-2776.