Four deer experts at the ATA Trade Show on Friday said two things must happen to slow the spread of chronic wasting disease across the country: end all transportation of live deer and elk by private cervid farms and state wildlife agencies, and ban hunters from transporting the carcasses of elk and deer across state lines.
Brian Murphy, CEO of the Quality Deer Management Association, said he would support a national moratorium requiring hunters to take only deboned meat and clean skull plates/antlers across state lines. Murphy said each state now makes its own rules about transporting elk and deer carcasses, which causes confusion and unintentional violations when hunters return home from out-of-state hunts.
The panel discussion/press conference, which was convened by the QDMA and National Deer Alliance, also included Dr. Grant Woods of “Growing Deer TV”; Kip Adams, QDMA’s conservation director; and Nick Pinizzotto, the NDA’s president/CEO.
Murphy and Pinizzotto said CWD has become a national concern, and lawmakers on Capitol Hill are now listening, talking and writing legislation to increase funding for research and management. Managing the disease has proven difficult the past two decades because the nation lacks a comprehensive program for states to follow. The result is inadequate monitoring, too few testing facilities, and inconsistent transportation rules and disposal guidelines, all of which states tackle mostly on their own.
CWD is in the same family of diseases as Mad Cow Disease, which jumped the species barrier to humans in Great Britain during the 1980s. The human form of the disease is called Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Those ailments, as well as scrapie in sheep, are caused by rogue prions that trigger fatal degenerative diseases affecting nerve cells in the brain. They always end in death after causing mental, physical, and sensory problems such as dementia and seizures.
CWD was first documented in a mule deer test facility in Colorado in 1967, and later identified as a prion disease in the 1970s. It was considered a “Western U.S.” disease until it was detected in Wisconsin after the 2001 gun-deer season. Wisconsin has confirmed 5,196 CWD cases the past 18 years, including a record 1,010 so far in its 2018-19 testing cycle.