Social Media Expands Your Reach
“Whether you’re in a small town or large town, social media impacts your ability to make sales,” Williams said. “It increases foot traffic and brand awareness.”
How do you profit from social media? Williams suggests posting quality content, hosting pro archers or bowhunters, and teaming with social-media “influencers” who support your business with endorsements or recommendations. Williams discussed how to find and work with good influencers, and how they can elevate your brand. Watch the session for those tips.
Williams said social media cost little or no money, and he encourages retailers to capitalize on it. He recommends taking classes on videography and social media to make effective posts. The ATA offers its members a free “How to Run a Facebook Ad Campaign” course on the MyATA Learning Center. You’ll learn how to launch a video campaign to attract customers.
Reduce Negative Communication
Williams and his team stay positive about everything in their shop. They neither talk down to customers, nor say anything bad about their products or competitors. Psychological research and applied-behavior analysis prove that positive experiences trigger more sales. Instead of saying, “That one isn’t any good; get this one,” say, “That one’s good, but we have more options.” Phrase thoughts in a positive tone and create positive shopping experiences for customers.
Staying positive is easier if you sell only products you believe in. “We won’t carry it if we don’t think it will work, and we make sure our customers understand that,” Williams said.
Watch the Recording!
Williams’ seminar was a live event, but the video recording will be available later. Until then, view the ATA’s on-demand Show content by logging into your MyATA member dashboard and clicking “MyATA Learning Center.”
ATA 2021 Online exhibitor content is available through Monday, Feb. 15. Educational content, the floorplan, and exhibitor profiles are also available, including videos, contact information, and product showcases. All Show Specials ended when the Online Show concluded Jan. 15.
Check back regularly to watch Williams’ ATA presentation.
Questions? Please contact the ATA Trade Show and membership office at (866) 266-2776.