Rise and Shine! Morning seminars are from 8-9:15 a.m. in Rooms 133 to 137. If you miss them, check out tomorrow’s line-up, attend a Coffee Talk or do both! Coffee Talks happen throughout the day on the Show Floor in the MyATA Area.
View the education schedule here. Attend ATA’s educational opportunities to increase your knowledge and take home information that can improve your business.
Join us in our fight against anti-hunters, unfavorable bowhunting regulations, and other threats to our bowhunting heritage. Visit the BU Booth in the MyATA Area (Exhibit Hall F) to join BU for $30 and gift a membership to a friend or family member for free. You and your plus-one will get a free hat, too. Bowhunters United protects and defends bowhunters’ rights, while simultaneously ensuring ATA members have a steady, well informed customer base. BU is the premier bowhunting organization in America today, and represents all bowhunters, regardless of why, how, when or where they participate.
Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Attend the Manufacturer Q&A Session at 8:00 a.m. in Room 132 on Friday, Jan. 13.
ATA Reveals 2023 New Product Launch and Impact Award Winners
Click on the image below to view the Floor Plan.
Use the hashtag #ATA2023 on your posts and photos.